Guarantors are available on request for individual renters. The renter will provide us contact details for their guarantor in-app and we will send them an invite to create a RentPassport®.
For steps on how to request a guarantor please visit How to request a Guarantor
Guarantor criteria:
Must be UK-based
Must earn at least 36X the monthly rental income per annum in order to cover the renter's rent
Must not have any active CCJs or any satisfied CCJs within the last 3 years.
How can a guarantor fail referencing?
Below are a number of reasons a guarantor could fail referencing:
If the guarantor does not meet the income affordability
If they have variable employment such as temporary or casual employment
If they have been self-employed for less than 3 months or cannot provide sufficient proof of income
If they have a negative credit history
If their residency and ownership at the addresses provided cannot be proved
Information on the application is found to be fraudulent
We have now partnered with RentGuarantor to provide a guarantor replacement scheme for renters that are not able to provide a suitable guarantor. For more information, visit our FAQs: Guarantor Replacement Scheme or contact your account manager.