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All CollectionsHQ and the RentPassportReferencing
How can a RentPassport® help me find a good renter?
How can a RentPassport® help me find a good renter?
Updated over a year ago

A RentPassport displays all the applicant's information you need in order to complete a tenancy agreement. This means you can access all the information in one place and see live progress and status updates on an applicant's journey. A renter RentPassport will include the following:

For a more detailed explanation of what you see on a RentPassport please click here.

Screening Result

The applicant's Screening Result informs you of the progress of the RentPassport for example, 'Accept', 'In Progress', 'Not Started', 'Accept with considerations' or 'High Risk'

Please see Screening Results for an explanation of the labels and screening results.

Rental Preferences

This is an overview of an applicant's rental preferences to assist you in which properties you can show them. For example, whether they would prefer a furnished or unfurnished property or the number of bedrooms they require.


This displays the applicant's personal details including their full legal name, email address, date of birth and contact number.

In order for an applicant's identity to be verified, Experian needs to locate their credit profile. In order to do so, we request applicants ensure these details are entered correctly

Address history

Here you will see their full UK address history. Once the renter has entered their address history, date of birth and full name, Experian should be able to return the credit information necessary to carry out the referencing checks.

We request that your applicants ensure they are registered at the address under the Electoral Roll, with utility bills or banks under their name in order for Experian to locate them.

Credit Indicator

Here you will be able to see the renter's credit rating which can range from 'Very Poor' to 'Excellent'. Our Credit report, powered by Experian requires at least 3 years UK address history, be registered at the address under the Electoral Roll, with utility bills or banks under their name in order to locate their Credit profile, this is then reflected on their RentPassport. The purpose of the Credit Indicator is to provide you with a financial and credit background of the renter this highlights any active or satisfied CCJs and will also display any bankruptcy.

Please see our Credit Check article for further information on this process.

Income Verification

We verify a renter's income in order to reflect the correct affordability on their RentPassport. Renters are given two options when verifying their income, Open Banking and our Manual option. The Open Banking feature connects to the user's bank and picks up their income payments which are then reflected onto their RentPassport. Renters are also provided with the option to verify their income manually whereby they are required to upload documents that support their verification of income payments which are then reviewed and verified by our referencing team.

Rent Payments

This section displays the renter's most recent Rent Payments. The purpose of the rent verification section is for the renter to demonstrate consistency in their rent payments. Similar to income verification, the renter has the option to use Open Banking which will pick up their most recent rent payments and reflect this on their RentPassport. The renter also has the option to self-certify as not all renters pay their rent via bank transfers.

If a renter has not rented before they have to option to select 'Not rented' which will be displayed on their RentPassport.

Comprehensive Screening

Comprehensive screening is not mandatory in order to complete a RentPassport but it is an option that we provide to you should you want full comprehensive referencing. By requesting comprehensive screening the renter is required to give details of an Employment and Landlord referee and once a reference is returned and verified this will be displayed on their RentPassport.

Please take a look at How to request comprehensive screening, should you require this for your applicant.

Employment Reference

The Employment reference displays the applicant's

  • Company Name

  • Job Title

  • Employment Status

  • Employment Type

  • Payment Frequency

  • Start date.

The purpose of the Employment reference is to give a detailed description and status of the renter's employment.

The employment reference will show as 'not requested' unless you request comprehensive screening.

Landlord Reference

The landlord reference displays the applicant's

  • Previous address

  • Payment frequency

  • Tenancy Start Date

  • Tenancy End Date

  • Rent Amount

  • Rent Arrears

  • Any damage to the property

  • Would they rent to the tenant again?

The purpose of this section is to provide you with further information on what kind of renter your applicant will be.

The Landlord reference will show as ‘not requested’ unless you request comprehensive screening.

Right to Rent

The right to rent section provides an ID verification in order to assist you with the legal check required to place an applicant in tenancy.

We are partnered with IDnow, which through automation, verifies a renter's identity and ID document. Our right to rent section allows the renter to upload their supporting documents as well as ID verification which allows you to store and consolidate your renter's referencing and right to rent in one place.


You have the ability to request a guarantor for any application you wish. Guarantors will be requested to complete a RentPassport of their own to verify them and the renter will request this directly from their RentPassport saving you any hassle.

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